Nature already has it all.

Nature is life, and it is well said, nature has everything that a living need for sustaining their life and leisure, and even the greatest inventions

 If I ask you to enlist all the things man has created. It will not be a very tough task, you will be able to enlist tons of substances and gadgets we all use.

But, will it be fair to take the whole credit for those substances and gadgets? Was there nothing like the one we have created? Or is it totally made or created by us?

The answer is no. you may think that the guy who wrote this article is an awful crazy guy. Well, but think over it and I will help you in that in this article.

Here you might have heard from some source or other that the design of helicopter is inspired from dragonfly. Even if it is not true it can’t fly without fuel (i.e. avgas (stands for aviation gasoline)), which we can’t 'synthesis' on industrial scale. Similarly, the design of an airplane is share a great similarity with birds. Your motorbike can’t run without diesel. Think of electricity, you may see it as wholly man made but what about thunderstorm, we still are unable to produce the amount of energy that a thunderstorm holds, there is some simpler version of electricity than that huge thunderstorm-electric eel, able to produce an impressing amount of 600 volt, which is about 3 times the household supply value.

There are also some things that nature has already developed in the due course but human still have no idea about how it works. Conscience, life, brain, time, space, dark matter, energy, condensation of energy into mass etc. are some to mention.

Human being and any other life form are the most spectacular creations of nature. Among these human brain is the most complicated (as considered till date) and we have no idea of how it works, but most interestingly we do use the most complicated thing in the universe regularly and consciously.

Yes, there are reasons for which they(human) consider themselves superior. Their brain is found to manipulate nature to maximum extent and most efficiently. Nature already has it all, but, it was the man who adopted the fire, and turned the circular log into wheel.

This is the point where human brain turned out to be superior. Human brain has immense ability to observe, think, analyze and using the experience obtained by analyzing the nature for his benefit.  Every animal (higher) peep into the night sky, but it was the human who raised the question about its origin and viability. Water has always been on its way down the hill, but it was the man who placed turbine in its way.

Yes, this is the reason, why human consider themselves as superior. But, are they really the high and mighty. What if natural selection went on other direction while the man was evolving? What if the composition of earth’s atmosphere were different? Tons of questions like these, fairly question the arrival of human on earth. A little change in nature would have resulted into some other species or no species ruling the earth’s surface.

We don’t even know what are there on the deepest part of our own earth. But, we still underestimate nature just because she is silent. Silent doesn’t indicate that she is not getting harmed.

But, American novelist Tom Clancy quoted “Man is a creature of hope and invention, both of which belie the idea that things can be changed.” That clearly confers that man can fix the problem he has created.                                                                                                     

But it surely doesn’t allow him to consider himself superior.                                                   

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