Language vs. Subject

A subject get its life back only when there comes an exam, but what about a language, it is something that is continuously being practiced that make

 Can you guess some aspects where a language is different from a subject? Yes, it is hard as our current education system includes languages as a subject and we try to learn a language by learning the subject, and that’s the point which is the root of the problems. Now, you may ask what is the problem here? And in this article your that question will be discussed thoroughly along with the very first question.

Language and subjects are seemingly equivalent to a school going student as they teach them language as a subject. They teach languages that are being spoken across the globe as subjects, which lead students to get into a deep confusion while they are said to differentiate between language and subject.

Actually, language is totally different from a subject. a language is something that is used freely to communicate between man and if you go deeper it can be used as a medium to communicate between you and nature. Yes, you read it right, it can be used to communicate with nature. Language is much easier than subjects from learning point of view. And language needs no forceful effort while learning, it only requires effort (which is always available if one is interested). A person can speak at least one language that is his mother-tongue without any effort. But, there is probably no subject which one can master without any effort. Actually, subjects were made for a detailed study of any language. But, unfortunately, our schools teach students (can be called as beginners) the subjects and not languages, which require advanced knowledge of a language.

Science is such a language, which allows us to communicate with nature and allow us to unveil the deepest mystery of nature. Interestingly, those mysteries are unveiled only by studying the language of nature, which means nature always gives us the hints toward unveiling by its own language, SCIENCE. But, unfortunately, science is taught as a subject in our schools. Hence, a language of that importance is made too hard to learn for a school going student and is kept covered in darkness for them.

Language is our mode of interaction with anything. We use dialects to communicate among our human community, which is so easy that it can be learned without any efforts. Science is the language, by which we interact with nature, and need no effort except observation. Mathematics is said to be the language of science, which means it is used by nature to communicate within its components. Philosophy is the language by which we interact with our thoughts by going deep into it. They call it Programming ‘Language’, the language by which man interacts with machines. There are thousands more if to be mentioned. Languages are countless but, their mottos are the same that is ‘interaction’.

Subjects that are taught in school are actually memorized by students to get more and more marks unlike languages, which they understand, as marks are the only defining factors used by our schools to determine excellence in a field. Subjects are just trapped in books if one doesn’t know the language. Here also, language comes as a solution that solves the understanding problem of subjects.

One can categorize language into easy and hard, but believe me, you can understand both, it is the time taken to understand that determines the hardness.

 It will bring a lot of changes if all the subjects of the school are converted into respective languages as languages are always practical and are practiced in present.

“The job of the linguist, like that of the biologist or the botanist, is not to tell us how nature should behave, or what its creations should look like, but to describe those creations in all their messy glory and try to figure out what they can teach us about life, the world, and, especially in the case of linguistics, the workings of the human mind.”
Arika Okrent

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