Suicide Shouts.

In the present scenario, where there are at least 800000 persons committing suicide every year that, is around one person every 40 seconds(as per WHO)

 In the present scenario, where there are at least 800000 persons committing suicide every year that, is around one person every 40 seconds (as per WHO). It is needed to talk suicide. What makes a person commit suicide? What is the condition of the person while committing suicide? And what was the need to do that? Are some questions always encircle a suicide but there is never enough talk about those questions, leaving the root problem unsolved and allowing more casualties like the same.

For the first question you may think that the question seems silly, they use to leave a note behind mentioning the cause. Yes, they do. But, the problem stays deeper inside the face of the problem (generally found written). In a later section we will come back to the same first question, which you think to be silly.

 During suicide, life is ending itself by going against the laws of nature. Yes, livings are destined to die, but not of his own free will - it is the law of nature and every living organism follows it until the case of suicide comes into act. During suicide, a person leaves all his will to live and that is something he gained from his interaction with society. After all the interactions of the person with society, the person fades up enough that he starts to think that society no more accepts him and hence leaves all his interest in life and it is the cause that makes the person commit suicide.

Well, that can be a cause and sounds peaceful and most importantly in that case only one is accused, the victim. And hence, that cause is accepted in society to a larger extent than another cause which points the finger toward the society. In that cause it is boldly said that nothing like suicide does exist, the only thing that exists is murder by society. And it is named suicide as nobody likes pointing fingers toward themselves especially when it is a mob.

No livings do like to leave life, but they do it for various reasons (that will be discussed in the later parts) including the case of suicide (in human society) to pinpoint the faults in the social system which leads people to die.

You may better understand the above paragraph from another case of the animal kingdom (as suicide is not exclusive to the human species), where the same case happens with the largest mammals – the whales (beaked).

Beaked whales are known for committing mass suicides, and it was one of the unsolved mysteries of the living world until January 2019. It was not that the whales were injured or old-aged that made them commits suicide, healthy whales were also included in the pod (a group of whales). In January 2019 experts revealed that it was the naval SONARs that murdered them, and generally the regions of naval activity and mass suicides were closely located. Similarly, in our society, there are ‘SONARs’ killing persons and we named those kills as suicides.

Suicide is actually not something rare if you take the whole biosphere in account. You might have heard of some, if not, don’t worry, you will know some.

There is a species of ant called Suicide Bomber Ants, when threatened they protect their colony by bursting themselves causing their immediate death and release of some yellowish sticky substance. Recently a picture went viral where the cheetahs are seen biting an impala, but interestingly the impala is making no effort to escape them, and later on the story it was captioned that the mother was letting her younger ones escape while the cheetahs are busy with her. What will you call it suicide or sacrifice or self-negation for the sake of her future generation?

It will be better to come back to our own society as the biosphere is too deep to get its bottom. In our society, every suicide tells a story of protest against the system and our negligence in reforming the system.

Suicides are said to be a social burden, but nobody thinks it as a way of protest against the present social system, that hurt the person enough that the person need not to think twice about the pain of leaving the life and all the earthly things.

 In a society, the suicide of a person defines the status of the matter that is said to be the cause of death. Be it economic status, or a matter of affairs. Suicides have acted like mirrors of the society over that particular factor.

Yes, suicide is a sensitive matter, as there is an association of emotion and many other feelings but still we hide our faults in that by calling it ‘suicide’. Every suicide speaks a story of the degrading system or a system that doesn’t reform itself with the progression of time.

Yes, suicide is not the solution, but there is no other way left for them to put the fact in the eyes of society.

“Did you really want to die?"
"No one commits suicide because they want to die."
"Then why do they do it?"
"Because they want to stop the pain.”

― Tiffanie DeBartolo, How to Kill a Rock Star






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