Universe: an opinionative controversy of its origin

There has been a dispute on the origin of the universe since long. Some said it's fine work of god and some said it is greatly a self creation.

 What do you think about our origin? or about the origin of this whole universe? Well, there are many theories about the main origin, of which the Big Bang theory by Georges Lemaître is largely accepted but, that is only after 1930s, before that some religious theories dominated this field after that some other theories came up but none of those were as famous as those two.

This article is not about the origin of this universe but is about the validity of some theories, which came a lot of time after the actual origin (if there is one) by us humans which are merely a tiny fraction of tiny fractions of this universe. And most importantly none of us did witness the events (if occurred).

Let’s start with some religious theory (only some major religions are taken into account), all of them

point toward creation by someone who is almighty and the duration of creation is the same 6 days although there is no clarification of the time that constitute a day but the number of days are the same everywhere, be it Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc. and they didn’t just stop there, they went on to name the first man and woman that the god created i.e. Adam and Eve (in Islam, Judaism, Christianity) and Manu and Satarupa (It’s confusing and you better visit this link https://qr.ae/pNQ9gv and related at that same page for better understanding the case in Hinduism theory of genesis ). The similarity in the pattern is quite clear in the duration and to some extents on naming too (sees the similarity in naming https://qr.ae/pNQ9eA). The similarity in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is most probably due to their common birth place – Jerusalem, but for Hinduism it could have been different as because it originated some 4500 km south east to Jerusalem in Indian subcontinent much before those three but it is not and I really don’t know why.

Although those tight relationships and matching to that great extent is appreciating but, they have some unanswered questions in them. The above described theories could not explain the regularity in the universe. They state creation by some “almighty” being, if that was the case then why that being didn’t create an universe like as it want and no regular. That almighty should have created a universe that is more beautiful and colourful and less hostile, at least a bit random (the case expected if someone is creating things endlessly) but it is not as there is a great interconnection between two events occurring (think of string theory or classical physics) and one can predict things based on its past state very well (as per classical physics). It reveals one thing that either that almighty was not independent about his creation or there was no existence of that almighty there.

Even if I leave those views of regularity of natural origin, we still have questions regarding the creator. Most of the holy texts point toward a single creator, but then why people do worship different creators and they also fight for the existence of their god, the almighty creator. And sometime that fight for existence for their god turns into riot and that’s frustrating for a civilization.

Secondly if the creator is almighty then why he doesn’t intend to save the creation from nature’s rage or why will he create something destructive like nature’s rage. To explain this famous astrophysicist of this time Neil deGrasse Tyson quoted that “If there is a god, the god is either not all powerful or not all good”. On coming to the significance of this quotation I realized that the universe can’t come from one who is not ‘all powerful’ and if the creator is ‘all-powerful’ but not ‘all good’ then why should we worship that creator who can misuse his powers.

Now on coming on some recent theories some of which states beginning from one singularity, some says it always existed as it is now, some says it oscillates and so more are there.

But, after the observation of expanding universe in 1930s by observing the similar red shift in all direction which wouldn’t have been the case if universe existed the same as it is now as stated by special theory of creation where celestial bodies will move in random motion as the universe was created as such and hence the light coming from distant galaxies should have shown equal violet shift on the opposite direction of the red shifted direction.

 Edwin Hubble in 1930s observed the similar red shift on all direction that can only be caused if everything on this universe is moving apart from each other that is the universe is expanding.

Now, rewinding the expansion we see contraction that leads to a singularity and that’s the key point of the Big Bang theory that the universe started from a singularity with a big bang (explosion). And on getting an experimental support the Big Bang theory went super viral and till this date is the most accepted theory of origin of everything.

"For centuries, it was believed that disabled people like me were living under a curse that was inflicted by God. Well, I suppose it’s possible that I’ve upset someone up there, but I prefer to think that everything can be explained another way, by the laws of nature. If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence."     -Stephen Hawking

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